Shark-200 Nearshore CPT system

Thrust capacity 200 kN
Water depths 2 - 30 m
Modular and variable weight setup
Power pack
  • Description
  • Characteristics

Geomil Equipment’s Shark-200 is developed for nearshore and inshore Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) projects. Water depths from 2 to 30 m can be covered with great efficiency. The Shark-200 is ideal for CPT works in ports, waterways, and channels.
The Shark-200 is specially designed to perform marine CPT’s under the safest working conditions. The system eliminates the environmental effects on the CPT data, such as tides, swell, and currents.
Widely available marine plants can be used as a support base for the Shark-200.
With minor preparations, the system can be suited for deployment from port quay walls, which allows for the collection of geotechnical data very close to the revetment.
Having access to the Shark-200 in the equipment pool will greatly extend the operating boundaries.
The unique modular setup with various available casing lengths ensures great efficiency in CPT operations.
Fieldwork with the Shark-200 requires two to three operators on each shift. Typical mobilization and setup on a marine barge are completed in about 4-6 hours.

Optional supporting items:
• Cantilever working platform with moonpool.
• Gangway with outrigger.
• Material rack.
• Casing rack.

Standard Geomil CPTU equipment (data acquisition, cones etc.) can be deployed with the Shark

• Modular and variable weight setup.
• Easily transported on one 40 ft flatbed trailer between ports, deltas and inland water masses.
• Long haul transport in two 20 ft sea containers.
• Ballast frame and foot with six 2.5 t ballast blocks.
• Special Shark riser casing with inner guiding.
• Top assembly with push frame 200 kN.
• Power pack.
• Casing tubes with centralizers.